The real Mt. Fuji from Mt. Takao (Hachiōji, Tokyo)
富士塚   Fujizuka
Surrogate Mt. Fuji around Tokyo
Mt. Fuji is sacred so a pilgrimage to climb the mountain is a very desirable spiritual undertaking.
This year (2020), Mt. Fuji will not open for climbing by the faithful due to the TrumPandemic.
Japan is currently closed to travelers from many countries including the US. (June 2020)
Many shrines and temples around Tokyo have surrogate Mt. Fuji (often made with rocks from Mt. Fuji)
that can be climbed (or visited) without having to journey to the actual peak.
Here are a small assortment of Fujizuka. Those that are off limits to climbers are designated 'ornamental'.
The height of the fujizuka are from a Japanese language directory of fujizuka by prefecture.
According to this directory, there are more than 60 Fujizuka in the 23 Wards of Tokyo.
Google map

大川富士 Ōkawa Fuji 足立区千住大川町 Senju Ōkawa-chō, Adachi Ward
千住宮元富士 Senju Miyamoto Fuji 足立区千住 宮元町 Senju Miyamotochō, Adachi Ward
柳原富士 Yanagiwara Fuji 足立区柳原
Yanagihara, Adachi Ward
南千住富士 Minami Senju Fuji 荒川区南千住 Minami Senju, Arakawa Ward
深川富士 Fukugawa Fuji 江東区富岡 Tomioka, Koto Ward
鉄砲洲富士 Teppozu Fuji 中央区湊 Minato, Chuo Ward
音羽富士 Otowa Fuji 文京区大塚 Ostuka, Bunkyo Ward
神田柳森富士  Kanda Yanagimori Fuji  千代田区神田須田町 Kanda Suda-chō, Chiyoda Ward
立石富士 Tateishi Fuji 葛飾区立石 Tateishi, Katsushika Ward
木曽呂富士塚 Kizoro Fujizuka 埼玉県 川口市東内野字木曽呂 Higashi Uchinoji Kizoro,
Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture

大川富士 Ōkawa Fuji ・ 千住大川町 氷川神社 Senju Ōkawa-chō Hikawa-jinja

(left Jan. 2018/right May 2016)

千住川田浅間神社 Senju Kawada Sengen Jinja
Most of the Fujizuka have shrines to Sengen, the Deity of Mt. Fuji on their peaks.
「千住川田浅間神社富士塚」 Senju Kawada Sengen Jinja Fujizuka
Built in 1824, this representation of Mt. Fuji is the nineth oldest in the Tokyo area.
It is one of the few that can still be scaled.
東京都足立区千住大川町12-3 Senju Ōkawa-chō, Adachi Ward

千住宮元富士 Senju Miyamoto Fuji ・ 千住神社 Senju Jinja

千住神社 Senju Jinja 富士塚 Fujizuka (right) (4m/ornamental)

東京都足立区千住 宮元町24-1 Senju Miyamotochō, Adachi Ward

柳原富士 Yanagihara Fuji

柳原稲荷神社 Yanagihara Inari Jinja (left)/富士浅間神社 Fuji Sengen Jinja (right)

富士浅間神社 Fuji Sengen Jinja / 富士塚 Fujizuka (2m/ornamental)
東京都足立区柳原2-38-1 Yanagihara, Adachi Ward (East of Kita Senju Station)

小塚原富士 Kotsukawara Fuji  ・ 素盞雄神社 Susanoo Jinja
(the Japanese language directory referenced at the top of the page names this location 南千住富士 Minami Senju Fuji)

東京都荒川区南千住6-60-1 Minami Senju, Arakawa Ward (4m/ornamental)

深川富士 Fukugawa Fuji ・ 富士浅間神社 Fuji Sengen Jinja

on the precincts of 富岡八幡宮 Tomioka Hachimangu

The shrine hosts frequent Sunday antique fairs and flea markets.
東京都江東区富岡一丁目20番3号 Tomioka, Koto Ward (1m/ornamental)
This Fujizuka has a particularly pleasing profile.
This Fujizuka (and many others) have a July 1st festival honoring Sengen, the Deity of Mount Fuji.
The Tomioka Shrine has a white snake charm (to ward off epidemics) available only on the day of the festival.
These images are from a Japanese language site dedicated to shrine charms and folk toys.

The above 2 images are NOT my photographs.
富士浅間神社開運息災守護 Fuji Sengen Jinja kaiun sokusai shugo (good luck/disaster prevention charm).

鉄砲洲富士 Teppozu Fuji ・ 富士浅間神社 Fuji Sengen Jinja

in the precincts of 鉄砲洲稲荷神社 Teppozu Inari Jinja

中央区湊1-6-7 Minato, Chuo Ward (6m/ornamental)

Meant to represent the 溶岩隧道 「御胎内」 Otainai lava caves of Mt. Fuji (created in the 1707 eruption),
a chamber for pregnant adherents to pray for safe & easy childbirth.

音羽富士 Otowa Fuji on the precinct grounds of 護国寺 Gokokuji

文京区大塚5-40-1 (7m) Ostuka, Bunkyo Ward

富士道 Fujidou (Road to Fuji) / Monument commemorating the popular song
からすの赤ちゃん "The Crow's Child" by 海沼實 Kainuma Minoru

In addition to the 富士浅間神社 Fuji Sengen Jinja at the peak,
there is a memorial stone to 大天狗光明尊位 Daitengu [Great Tengu] Kōmyō Takeru-i

神田柳森富士 Kanda Yanagimori Fuji 柳森稲荷神社 Yamagimori Inari Jinja

This shrine is dedicated to the Tanuki god.
千代田区神田須田町2-25 (3m/ornamental) 

立石富士 Tateishi Fuji ・ 熊野神社 Kumano Jinja

葛飾区立石8-44-31 Tateishi, Katsushika Ward (1.5m)

木曽呂の富士塚 Kizoro no Fujizuka ・ 厳嶋神社 Genshima Jinja

Built in 1800, one of the oldest in Japan.

This is the tallest Fujizuka in Saitama Prefecture.

The Fujizuka is designated as an 重要有形民俗文化財 Important Tangible Folk Cultural Property.

埼玉県 川口市東内野字木曽呂594 Higashiuchinoji Kizoro, Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture (5m)
