⚽キャプテン翼像 Captain Tsubasa
⚽キャプテン翼像 Captain Tsubasa Statues by manga artist 高橋陽一Yōichi Takahashi (born 28 July 1960) in the 四つ木 Yotsugi & 立石 Tateishi neighborhoods of 葛飾区 Katsushika Ward of Tokyo (where the artist was born).
Captain Tsubasa is a Japanese manga series begun in 1981 revolving around the sport of football (soccer in the US)
focusing on Tsubasa Oozora and his relationship with his team mates.
The long running series has spawned anime and video game spinoffs.
The sequence of statues is based on a pilgrimage map of the installations in Yotsugi town (below)
with the Tateishi town contributions added in an efficient walking route to the statues.

石崎了 Ryo Ishizaki

Located at Yotsugi Station

Defender (jersey number 14) known for blocking the ball with his face.

日向小次郎 Kojiro Hyuga, Ace striker.
Located in Yotsugi Park. Jersey number 10.

大空翼 Tsubasa Ozora, team captain, jersey number 10. Located in Tsubasa Park.

ロベルト本郷と 大空大空翼  Roberto Hongo & Tsubasa Ozora
Located in Yotsugi Medaka no Komichi

中沢早苗 Sanae Nakazawa, cheer leader.

Located near the Katsushika Post Office.

岬太郎 Tarou Misaki

Formed the Golden Combi (golden combination play) with Captain Tsubasa

Located in Shibue Park

「ボールはともだち」 "The ball is a friend" Captain Tsubasa Oozora's motto. Located in Tateishi 1-chome Children's Park

若林源三 Genzo Wakabayashi, goal keeper.

Located at the intersection of Kameari Shindori & Tateishi Sakura Streets.

ゴールデンコンビ ツインシュート

Golden Combination Twin Shoot (Tsubasa Ozora)

In the famous scene from the manga, Tsubasa Ozora (jersey number 10), performs the kick (with 岬太郎 Tarou Misaki)

Located at Minami Kastushika High School

Utility pole banners.

Signs promoting the statues and a drinks vending machine.