A secret gem nestled between Asakusa and Minami Senju. Home of Japanese manga boxer, あしたのジョー Ashita no Joe (Tomorrow's Joe). He was born in the nearby 山谷 Sanya neighborhood. |
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics have been postponed to 2021. |
天麩羅土手の伊勢屋 Tempura Dote no Iseya 東京都台東区日本堤1-9-2 Nihonzutsumi, Taitō Ward |
On my banzuke (ranking) of Tokyo tempura chefs (天麩羅番付), Wakabayashi-san is a dai-yokozuna (東大横綱). The restaurant is only open for lunch and is closed on Wednesdays and occasional other days. Check their schedule |
Cherry blossom (sakura) meat is a Japanese culinary euphemism for horse meat. Their sign in the left hand photo is a cherry blossom ❀ (sakura) with the kanji 肉 (niku) [meat] in the center followed by nabe [hot pot] なべ (in hiragana). Although I love basashi (馬刺し) [horse meat sashimi], I have never visited the restaurant as I always go to Iseya. |
For many years, I ordered one of the tendon offerings. However, recently I skip the rice and fill up on tempura. My new favorite order is tempura moriawase 天麩羅盛り合わせ (an assortment of tempura). |
There are three small tables in the raised area. My favorite dining spot. A time trip to the Showa Era. |
Shin Yoshiwara Nihonzutsumi Mikaeri Yanagi [The Looking Back Willow] (MFA Boston) 歌川広重「江戸名所」 新吉原日本堤見返柳 Stone marker for the Looking Back Willow. |