Kochi Kame こち亀
The town of Kameari in Katsushika Ward (a train station on the Joban Line), the setting for the long running manga, こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所 Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen Mae Hashutsujo [This is the Police Station in Front of Kameari Park in Katsushika Ward] by local artist 秋本治 Akimoto Osamu (born 11th December 1952), has fourteen bronze statues of characters from the series around the neighborhood.
At one of the installations, there is a map with a sightseeing route (purported to take 30 minutes, but I have my doubts). I have adopted this route to present the statues.
両津勘吉 Ryōtsu Kankichi is the main male protagonist/anti-hero of the series.
Ryō-san, as he is known, is the Chief Patrol Officer of the Kameari Kōen-Mae Police Box.
Ryō-san is known for his unibrow (he puts Frida Kahlo to shame) and casual dress. He typically wears slippers.

The first statue is outside the North exit of the Kameari Station and features Ryō-san welcoming you to the neighborhood. 両津勘吉像 Ryōtsu Kankichi Statue erected in February 2006.

In the same bus plaza to the East is a statue of 秋本カトリーヌ麗子 Akimoto Katherine Reiko, counterpart to Nakagawa. Reiko's wealth is inherited from European nobility and she juggles her commitments to the police job with those of high society. Google maps titles the installation 薔薇と麗子像 (Bara to Reiko zō) Rose and Reiko Statue although the sign on the base of the statue is titled 麗子像 Reiko Statue.

In the nearby 亀有公園 Kameari Kōen [Park] is the ダブルピース両さん像 Double Peace Ryōsan Statue with the protagonist flashing a double peace sign.

In the same park is ひとやすみ両さん像 (Hito yasumi ryōsan-zō) Resting Ryō-san Statue featuring the manga's hero sitting on a bench, his legs crossed. A great photo opportunity.

A few block west of the park is 敬礼両さん像 (Keirei Ryōsan zō) [Saluting Ryōsan Statue]. Nearby there is a 麗子 Reiko manhole cover.

Back on the South side of Kameari Station on the West side of the bus plaza is 両津勘吉祭り姿像 (Ryōtsu Kankichi Matsuri Sugata zō) [Ryotsu Kankichi Festival Statue]. Erected in November 2006, it depicts the patrol officer dancing in festival garb.

In the middle of the plaza is another statue of Ryō-san sitting on a bench inviting visitors to pose for a photograph with him.

A few blocks to the South West, you will encounter サンバ両さん像 (Samba Ryōsan zō) [Samba Ryōsan Statue] featuring the manga's main character with a straw hat, sunglasses and holding a pair of maraccas. Presumably on vacation somewhere.

Meandering to the South East you encounter 少年両さん像 (Shōnen Ryōsan zō) The Young Ryōsan Statue erected in November 2008. The installation features a young Ryōtsu Kankichi, hand extended, with a pair of sling shot weilding playmates. There is a manhole cover nearby featuring the likeness of 大原大次郎 Ōhara Daijirō also called 部長 Bucho [Division Head], the Chief Patrol Officer of Katsushika, in charge of the police box in front of Kameari Park. This statue was erected in November 2008.

Wandering to the South West to the Shinkin Bank Main Building, we encounter the 本田像 (Honda zō) Honda Statue depicting 本田速人 Honda Hayato, the motorcycle policeman, Ryotsu's underling, often reluctantly dragged into his schemes. There is a colorful manhole cover of Honda located North of Kameari Station near a bus stop on the North West edge of the Bus Plaza.

A short walk to the East on the same street is ワハハ両さん像 (Wahaha Ryōsan zō) [Boistrously lLaughing Ryōsan Statue.

Heading North, on the third floor of the アリオ亀有アリオモール Ario Kameari Mall is the こち亀ゲームぱ~く Kochi Kame Game Park. The venue has many characters from こち亀 Kochi Kame. I am especially fond of the lifesized fiberglass figure of 海パン刑事 Kaipan-Deka [Detective Speedy], leader of the Special Detective Squad. He is always seen wearing just a Speedo, thigh high socks and a neck tie (the source of his "powers"). He often pulls items such as cell phones and bananas from his Speedo. His codename is short for 海水パンツ Kaisui-pantsu [swim trunks]. Sadly, he is a minor character in the series, only appearing occassionally.

Just North of the Mall is the 亀有香取神社 Kameari Katori Jinja [Shrine] where the March 2010 installation of 少年よ、あの星を目指せ!両さん像 (Shōnen'yo, ano hoshi o mezase! Ryōsan zō) [“Boy, aim for the stars!” Ryōsan Statue] is enshrined.

Heading back toward the Kameari Station, just South of the bus plaza is 中川像 (Nakagawa zō), depicting 中川圭一 Nakagawa Keiichi, the young, handsome patrol cop who serves as Ryo's comic foil. While holding down a day job in the police box in front of Kameari Park, Nakagawa, a rich heir, often has to zip off to board meetings in his exotic sports cars and private helicopters. His policeman's uniform is an ¥300,000 yellow pinstripe suit made by Pierre Cardin.

Finally, outside the South entrance of Kameari Station is ようこそ こち亀の街へ!両津・中川・麗子がお出迎え!像 (Yōkoso kochikame no machi e! Ryōtsu Nakagawa Reiko ga o demukae! zō) [Welcome to the town of Kochikame! Ryotsu, Nakagawa, and Reiko welcome you!]. Installed in August 2016, The small brass marker in the front depicts 大原大次郎 Ōhara Daijirō holding the statue's title. The larger pillar nearby has a hand print of the author of the manga series Akimoto Osamu.
Katsushika Ward is located in the North East Corner of the Tōkyō Metropolitan Area bordering Chiba and Saitama Prefectures. A bit off the beaten path, but I hope this page will inspire folks to visit this overlooked tourist destination.