南総里見八犬傳 Nanso Satomi Hakkenden
滝沢馬琴 Takizawa Bakin
[The East, Vol. XXIX No. 6 March/April 1994]

1. Tamazusa's Curse

In the year 1438, when the Emperor Gohanazono reigned, a conflict arose between the sixth shogun of the Ashikaga, Yoshinori in Kyoto, and Ashikaga Mochiuji who governed the Kanto provinces from Kamakura. Yoshinori and Mochiuji disagreed about everything. The following year they engaged in battle. During the fight, Uesugi Norizane, who had been a loyal servant of Mochiuji's, took sides with the shogun. Because of his former retainer's treachery, Mochiuji lost the battle. He and his eldest son, Yoshinari, were forced to commit seppuku at Hokoku-ji temple in Kamakura.
During the battle Mochiuji's second and third sons, Haruo and Yasuo, barely escaped and fled to another retainer of Mochiuji's, Yuki Ujitomo, who lived in Shimousa Province. After receiving Haruo and Yasuo, Ujitomo rebelled against the shogunate. Satomi Suemoto, who was indebted to Mochiuji, joined the rebels together with his eldest son, Matataro Yoshizane.
The shogunate dispatched numerous troops to suppress Ujitomo, but he refused to be defeated. It took almost three years of fighting before Ujitomo's castle fell.
On the day of Ujitomo's defeat, Satomi Suemoto secretly arranged for his son Yoshizane, who was nineteen, to flee under the escort of two senior vassals of the Satomi, Sugikura Kisonosuke Ujimoto and Horiuchi Kurando Sadayuki. Suemoto told his son to someday revive the Satomi. Tearfully bidding his father farewell, Yoshizane and the two vassals headed for Sagami Province (Kanagawa).
When Yoshizane's party reached Yatori Beach at Miura in Sagami, the sea suddenly became rough and the sky filled with dense clouds. Soon it began to rain heavily. Thunder crashed and lightning lit up the sky. Then from the heart of the storm appeared a glowing white dragon. Fighting its way through the gale, it flew south.
Yoshizane interpreted the appearance of the dragon as a sign that he should become the lord of Awa Province, for two reasons. One was that white was the color of the flag of the Minamoto, ancestors of the Satomi, The second reason was that to the south of Miura, where the dragon flew, lay Awa Province. Yoshizane explained to his vassals his reasons for wanting to go to Awa, and they agreed. The party set sail for Awa.
Located on a peninsula, Awa was a small province composed of the four districts of Awa, Asahina, Heguri, and Nagasa. There were three warlords in the province at that time: Anzai Saburo Dayu Kagetsura at Tateyama Castle in Awa; Maro Kogorau Hyoe Nobutoki at Hiratate Castle in Asashina; and Jinyo Nagasanosuke Mitsuhiro at Takida Castle in Heguri.
The most influential of the three warlords was Jinyo Mitsuhiro, who controlled the districts of Nagasa and Heguri. But he was conceited and addicted to sensual pleasures. He was infatuated with his concubine Tamazusa, who was mean and spiteful. She was so beautiful that when a man saw her for the first time, he was captivated by her. Standing high in Mitsuhiro's favor, she went so far as to involve herself in the rewarding and punishing of his vassals. As a result, most of Mitsuhiro's vassals left, with only the wicked ones remaining. The most shameful of those who stayed was Yamashita Sakuzaemon Sadakane. He wormed himself into Tamazusa's confidence and secretly developed a relationship with her. He imposed heavy taxes on the farmers, and basically got whatever he wanted.
One of the vassals who had left Jinyo Mitsuhiro was Kanamari Hachiro Takayoshi. Takayoshi had constantly admonished Mitsuhiro about his behavior. But Takayoshi ended up antagonizing Tamazusa and Yamashita Sadakane. Sensing that his life was in jeopardy, Takayoshi left.
After Takayoshi's departure, two of his vassals, Somaki Bokuhei and Susaki Mukuzau, plotted to kill Sadakane. They could no longer remain indifferent to the suffering of the farmers from the heavy taxes. But Sadakane uncovered their plot. To outwit them, he suggested that Mitsuhiro go hunting. On the day of the hunt, Sadakane fed his lord's horse fodder laced with poison.
Soon after Mitsuhiro and his party began hunting, his horse collapsed. Sadakane gave Mitsuhiro his white horse. Soon the party arrived at the place Bokuhei and Mukuzau had chosen for their ambush. Seeing Sadakane's white horse, they shot arrows at its rider, just as Sadakane had expected.
Mitsuhiro died. Bokuhei and Mukuzau were executed for his murder, and Takida Castle fell into the hands of Sadakane. The new lord of the castle married Tamazusa.
Hearing of his lord's death and Sadakane's treachery, Kanamari Takayoshi returned to Awa. He disguised himself as a beggar and looked for a chance to kill Sadakane.
One day Takayoshi met Yoshizane and his vassals, who had arrived in Awa. Takayoshi was charmed by Yoshizane, who, although young, seemed to be a born leader. Takayoshi told Yoshizane of the suffering of the people under Sadakane's harsh reign. Moved by Takayoshi's indignation, Yoshizane led the people in a rebellion against Sadakane. Takida Castle fell, and Sadakane was killed. Tamazusa was arrested and brought before Yoshizane.
Tamazusa, who was well-known as a woman of great beauty, was reminiscent of an aronia flower in the rain. Her glossy hair, which hung down over her shoulders, looked like the slender branches of a willow in spring.
Tamazusa begged for her life, first crying and then wearing a bewitching smile. Yoshizane called Takayoshi to his side. "I know the crime she committed was great," Yoshizane whispered. "But she's begging for her life. Should I spare her?" But Takayoshi, straightening himself, said, "Next to Sadakane. she's the most wicked person I've ever met. If you forgive her, rumors will circulate that you've succumbed to her charms. Clemency for a wicked woman such as her would lead to the corruption of discipline. I believe you should suppress your emotions and execute her."
When Tamazusa heard Takayoshi's words, she flushed. With a furious look on her face, she cried, "What spiteful things you've said! You've urged your master to execute me even though he believed I should live. My grudge against you will never end, even after my death. You will pay for this very soon. I'll destroy your family." Then she turned to Yoshizane and said, "You were thinking of forgiving me. You've been playing with my life. I'll thrust your family and your remotest descendants into the World of Beasts, where they will be tormented forever."
Evil never prospers. Tamazusa was executed. Thus, Sadakane and Tamazusa, who had abused their power at Takida Castle, came to ruin.
Tamazusa's curse would affect the Satomi for a long time. However, it is hard to say if the outcome of her curse was good or bad. In any case, it should be remembered what this wicked woman told Takayoshi and Yoshizane before her execution.

2. The Death of Kanamari Hachiro Takayoshi

While Yoshizane was having Tamazusa executed at Takida Castle, his elderly vassal, Sugikura Ujimoto, was securing Tojo Castle, which was located in Nagasa. However, the castle was soon attacked by an army led by Maro Nobutoki of Asahina and Anzai Kagetsura of Awa. Kagetsura secretly sent Ujimoto a message suggesting that they join forces against Nobutoki. However, Ujimoto would not accept, suspecting that Kagetsura was trying to lure him into a trap. Kagetsura continued to send Ujimoto messages suggesting that they unite. Eventually, Ujimoto agreed.
On a rainy night in early summer, Ujimoto and Kagetsura made a surprise attack on Nobutoki. After a furious battle, Ujimoto himself killed Nobutoki. Soon after the battle, Kagetsura captured Hiratate Castle, which had been the center of Nobutoki's power. It was not long before Kagetsura controlled all of Asahina. When Ujimoto learned of this, he was enraged.
Takayoshi and Horiuchi Sadayuki urged Yoshizane to attack Kagetsura. But Yoshizane, shaking his head, said, "If I go into battle again, it will cause the people great suffering. I will refrain from fighting unless Kagetsura challenges me." Hearing this, Takayoshi and Sadayuki were deeply moved. Once again, peace reigned in the four districts of Awa Province.
One evening in the middle oi summer, Yoshizane, Ujimoto, Sadayuki, and Takayoshi gathered in a room of Takida Castle. Yoshizane said, "I now possess all of Awa Province. I want to thank all of you, especially Takayoshi, who rendered unrivaled military services. Takayoshi, you shall have half of Nagasa and be the lord of Tojo Castle. And Ujimoto and Sadayuki shall have equal lands to rule." Saying this, Yoshizane handed Takayoshi a parchment which described his prowess in battle. However, Takayoshi returned it to Yoshizane, saying, "It may be rude of me to refuse your kind offer, but I want nothing. I am satisfied with the attainment of my desire to avenge my former lord." Impressed by Takayoshi's integrity, Yoshizane was tempted to reward him further. Yoshizane tried to persuade him to accept the rewards. But Takayoshi suddenly unsheathed his sword and buried it in his stomach. "I should have taken my life upon learning of my former lord's death," he gasped. "But I couldn't bring myself to die without avenging him. Now I can die in peace."
Yoshizane was deeply saddened by Takayoshi's suicide while struck by his loyalty. Yoshizane hurriedly sent for two people who had been waiting in another room. Before long an elderly man and a young boy entered. The man was named Issaku. While wandering around after his flight from Sadakane, Takayoshi had once stayed with Issaku, who was from Kazusa Province. The young boy, who was five, was Takayoshi's child by Issaku's daughter Kohagi.
Takayoshi's military fame had spread as far as Kazusa. Yoshizane had invited Issaku and his grandson to Takida Castle so that they could see Takayoshi again. Takayoshi's suicide was the last thing Yoshizane had expected.
As Takayoshi was dying, Yoshizane swore to take care of his son. Yoshizane named Takayoshi's son Kanamari Daisuke Takanori, and assured Takayoshi that Takanori, upon his coming of age, would possess half of Nagasa and become lord of Tojo Castle. Content with Yoshizane's words, Takayoshi died.
The moon slipped across the western sky and the night wind blew through the garden. Suddenly, Yoshizane saw a woman's figure appear behind Takayoshi, like a shadow, then disappear. Yoshizane remembered Tamazusa's curse. She had said that Takayoshi would pay for her death in the near future. As her stunning figure loomed before his eyes, Yoshizane felt a ghastly chill creep over him.
What would become of Tamazusa's curse? She said that she would thrust the Satomi into the World of Beasts. Eventually the meaning of her words would become clear.

3. Princess Fuse and Yatsufusa

Several years passed after the death of Takayoshi. Satomi Yoshizane, who ruled over Nagasa and Heguri districts of Awa Province, became well-known for his benevolence. Many men wanted their daughters to marry him. Among them was Mariya no Nyudo Joren, the lord of Shiitsu Castle in Kazusa Province. Joren's daughter, Isarago, was renowned for her beauty and wisdom. Eventually, Yoshizane married Isarago.
Isarago bore Yoshizane a daughter and a son. The daughter was born late in the summer of 1442. She was named Fuse. The son was born at the end of the following year. He was named Jiro Taro. Later he would be known as Yoshinari and would succeed his father as ruler of Awa Province.
Princess Fuse was very beautiful from the moment she was born. Her parents devoted themselves to her. But although she was already three, she had still never spoken or laughed. She cried most of the time. Worried, her parents asked a great doctor to cure her and had a noble priest pray for her. Yet her condition did not improve.
There was an old shrine at Susaki in Awa. Beside the shrine was a cave housing a stone image of an ascetic who had lived in the mountains and was worshiped as a god. He was reputed to be marvelously responsive to prayers. Hearing of this, Isarago sent Princess Fuse and a group of attendants to Susaki despite the fact that the area was controlled by Anzai Kagetsura. Isarago had Princess Fuse and her attendants offer prayers to the god.
Princess Fuse and her party confined themselves in the cave for a week. On their way back to Takida Castle, they met an old man by the road. He stared at Princess Fuse's face while leaning on a stick with a grip in the shape of a dove. "This princess is cursed by an evil spirit," he said as if muttering to himself. "You may think this curse is unlucky, but good and bad luck are next-door neighbors. Even if you should lose one of your children, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're unlucky, for the child's death may bring about something good. When you return to your castle, please tell your lord that whatever happens, he should remain calm. Allow me to present to the princess a string of beads, which will serve as a lifelong amulet." Saying this, the old man took from his bosom a string of eight crystal beads, which were inscribed with the Chinese characters for benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, loyalty, faith, filial piety, and fellowship. After putting the string of beads around Princess Fuse's neck, he began walking toward Susaki. He quickened his pace and soon passed from sight. In surprise, the attendants wondered if he was the incarnation of the god -worshiped at Susaki. They bowed toward Susaki over and over again.
After Princess Fuse returned to Takida Castle, she cried much less and learned to speak. As time passed she became more and more beautiful.
At the foot of Mt. To in Nagasa lived a farmer named Wazahei who had a dog. One day the dog gave birth to a male puppy with a white coat and eight black spots on its neck and tail. However, before the puppy could be weaned, a wolf killed the mother. Wazahei did not know what to do. He was unmarried and too busy with farm work to take care of the puppy. He was afraid that the dog might starve to death in his absence. As days passed, however, the puppy grew fat. Wazahei wondered why.
One morning as Wazahei was going to feed the puppy, he saw a tanuki rush from the kennel. Wazahei wondered if the tanuki had been nursing the puppy. That evening he hid behind the back door and watched the kennel in anticipation of the tanuki's return. As dusk deepened the puppy whined loudly, probably because he was hungry. Then a mysterious light appeared in the sky above Takida Castle. The light fell toward the kennel like a meteor. As the light approached the kennel, the tanuki appeared, running hard. It rushed into the kennel. Soon the puppy stopped whining and Wazahei heard it suckling. He was now certain that the puppy was being nursed by the tanuki, although it was difficult for him to believe.
The tanuki nursed the puppy for the next forty or fifty days, until he was weaned. When he became big enough to take care of himself, the tanuki stopped coming.
At this time, Sugikura Ujimoto and Horiuchi Sadayuki alternately defended Tojo Castle every other year on Satomi Yoshizane's orders. One day, as Sadayuki was returning to Takida Castle after having been relieved by Ujimoto, he passed through Wazahei's village and heard of the dog. When Sadayuki arrived at Takida Castle, he told Yoshizane of Wazahei's dog.
Yoshizane was so interested in Wazahei's dog that he asked Sadayuki to bring the dog to the castle. Several days later Sadayuki brought him before Yoshizane. He was almost twice the size of an average dog and had sharp eyes. Fascinated, Yoshizane decided to buy him from Wazahei and keep him in the castle. Noticing the dog's eight black spots, Yoshizane named him Yatsufusa. [Yatsufusa literally means "eight bunches." Presumably the eight black spots were shaped like large bunches of grapes.]
Princess Fuse was delighted with Yatsufusa, and the dog took to her. He rushed up to her, wagging his tail, whenever she called.

4. Satomi Yoshizane's Promise

In the autumn of Princess Fuse's sixteenth year, Anzai Kagetsura's domain — Awa and Asahina districts — suffered from a poor crop. Kagetsura had a messenger deliver to Satomi Yoshizane a letter asking for help. In it Kagetsura said the following:
"My domain is in dire straits because of the poor harvest. I would appreciate your loaning me 5,000 bags of rice. Next year I will pay you back twice thatamount. I have another request to make of you. I am already seventy years old, but I have no children. I was wondering if I could adopt your daughter. If you permit this, I will marry her to a member of the Anzai and hand over my territory to him."
Yoshizane sent rice to Kagetsura in response to his request. Yoshizane felt that the growth of crops was something beyond human control, and that it was impossible to predict a crop failure. So he felt obligated to help out his neighbor. Kagetsura's other request, however, he flatly refused. Yoshizane had only two children. He could not find it in his heart to allow Kagetsura to adopt Princess Fuse, his only daughter. In fact, Yoshizane intended for her to marry the late Kanamari Takayoshi's son Takanori, who was now twenty years old, after making him lord of Tojo Castle.
The following year Yoshizane's domain - - Heguri and Nagasa districts - - was ravaged by crop failure, whereas Kagetsura's domain was blessed by a rich harvest. Yoshizane expected Kagetsura to repay the rice he owed without being asked, but there was no sign that Kagetsura was going to pay off his debt. Angry, Takanori suggested that Yoshizane press Kagetsura for repayment. Yoshizane agreed and decided to send Takanori to ask about the rice.
Takanori left for Kagetsura's domain accompanied by ten attendants. Upon his arrival at Kagetsura's castle, however, Takanori was told that the lord could not receive visitors because he had a cold. However, Takanori was assured that the debt would be repaid. It was decided that Takanori and his party would remain in the castle until the rice was ready.
After five or six days, the rice was still not ready. Wondering about the delay, Takanori secretly explored the castle to find out what was going on. He was surprised to learn that Kagetsura was preparing to attack Yoshizane.
Takanori and his attendants escaped from Kagetsura's castle and hurried back to inform Yoshizane of Kagetsura's plot. Before they reached Takida Castle, however, they were waylaid by a force sent by Kagetsura.
Kagetsura, leading large armies, made surprise attacks on Takida and Tojo castles. The garrisons of the two castles fought hard, but because of the poor harvest, they were short of provisions. Soon they were forced to fight without provisions.
A week after running out of food, Yoshizane could no longer stand seeing his vassals suffer from hunger. He told them to escape before they starved to death. But none of them would leave.
Yoshizane did not know what to do. Unable to come up with a solution, he went for a walk through the garden of Takida Castle. While he was there, Yatsufusa came up to him, wagging his tail. Yatsufusa was also suffering from hunger. The dog was skinny and his nose was dry. He was even unsteady on his feet.
Feeling sorry for Yatsufusa, Yoshizane stroked the dog's head. "A dog is said to never forget that he owes his master a debt of gratitude," Yoshizane jokingly said to Yatsufusa. "If you feel indebted to me for having kept you for these ten years, why don't you steal into the enemy camp and bite off Kagetsura's head. If you manage to do this, it will turn the tide of battle in our favor. In reward for your distinguished service I'll treat you to fish. What do you think of that?"
Yatsufusa stared at his master and then turned away. "You seem dissatisfied with fish," Yoshizane said with a wry smile. "Shall I give you a title or land? Is that still not enough? Would you like to become my child? How about marrying Princess Fuse as if you were a man?"
Yoshizane smiled sourly, feeling that he had carried the joke too far. He was surprised to see Yatsufusa gaze at him with unblinking eyes. No sooner had the dog done this than he barked loudly, wagged his tail, and dashed off.
Watching the dog leave, Yoshizane felt some anxiety. He regretted what he had said to Yatsufusa. Yoshizane knew that although he was upset by the unfavorable situation, he should have known better than to have said such nonsense. Dejected, he returned inside.
Yoshizane expected the castle to fall the next day, so he met with Isarago, Princess Fuse, Yoshinari, and his senior vassals, including Ujimoto, in order to drink parting cups of water.
As the moon set, Yoshizane and Yoshinari put on their armor and went to join the castle garrison for a last desperate counterattack. Just then, loud barks pierced the night air. Yoshizane strained his ears. He believed it to be Yatsufusa, although the barks sounded unusual.
Yoshizane ordered two or three of his vassals to go out to the veranda and shout the dog's name. Soon Yatsufusa appeared from the darkness with something in his mouth. He approached and dropped it on the edge of the veranda. The vassals were shocked to see that it was a freshly severed human head. They said to one another that the dog must have eaten the man's body to satisfy his hunger.
Hearing his vassals talking, Yoshizane went out to the veranda and looked closely at the head. He thought the face resembled Kagetsura's, but he wasn't sure since it was covered with blood. So he had it washed and then looked at it again. Now he was sure that it was Kagetsura's.
Yoshizane was pleased that Yatsufusa had killed Kagetsura. At the same time, however, he was somewhat worried, remembering what he had promised Yatsufusa. Yoshizane wondered if the dog had killed Kagetsura so that he could marry Princess Fuse.

5. Princess Fuse Enters the Mountains

With Kagetsura was killed by Yatsufusa, the enemy camp was in confusion. Yoshizane prepared the Takida Castle garrison for an attack against the besiegers, thinking that it was the time to strike. The moment the castle gate opened, the garrison stormed out. Soon the enemy formation was in disorder. Most of the enemy soldiers surrendered, and the rest fled.
Learning of this, the besiegers of Tojo Castle lost their fighting spirit. Their commander was the first to flee, and his soldiers followed suit. The battle ended in victory for Yoshizane, who took control of Awa and Asahina. He now ruled all four districts of Awa Province.
Yoshizane became more well-known for his virtue and authority. His fame even reached the ears of the shogun. Under his rule Awa Province enjoyed peace.
At that time Ashikaga Mochiuji's youngest child, Nariuji, lived in Kamakura as the governor of the Kanto provinces. Hearing of Yoshizane, Nariuji sent him a letter praising his exploits. In the letter Nariuji acknowledged Yoshizane as lord of Awa Province.
Eventually Yoshizane rewarded those who had rendered distinguished service during the battle against Kagetsura. Standing first among them was Yatsufusa. He was provided with a fine kennel and fed dainty food. In addition, more people now took care of him so that he would be assured of a comfortable life. Yet he did not seem to be the least bit happy. He tended to stay in front of the veranda on which he had placed Kagetsura's head. Each time Yoshizane went out to the veranda, Yatsufusa put his forepaws on the edge of the veranda and whined as if begging for something while wagging his tail. Yoshizane understood what Yatsufusa wanted, but pretended not to know.
One day Yatsufusa rushed into the room of Princess Fuse, who was engrossed in a book. He lay down on the bottom of her long overgarment. Her attendants tried to drive him away, brandishing brooms, but to no avail.
Upon learning of it, Yoshizane hurried to his daughter's room. Realizing that things were getting serious, he tried to kill Yatsufusa with a spear. However, Princess Fuse covered the dog with her body. "Please wait," she said to her father. "I heard you promised Yatsufusa he could marry me if he brought you Kagetsura's head. He did so, believing you. You may say that you gave your word in jest, but once a promise is made, it should be kept under any circumstances. This is especially true of one given by a lord. I'm ready to follow Yatsufusa wherever he goes. Please don't grieve at my departure, however. Even though Yatsufusa will accompany me, I'll never allow him to stain my purity."
Yoshizane helplessly threw down the spear. "I'm so ashamed of myself," he said to his daughter. "I wonder what on earth made me say such nonsense. I remember the time when you met the old man on your way home from Susaki, and he said that you are cursed by an evil spirit. His prophecy has come true. It must be Tamazusa's spirit that curses you. I feel awful."
Princess Fuse's mother, Isarago, rushed into the room. Upon hearing what was happening, she burst into tears, wondering if her daughter was no longer under divine protection.
Calming her parents, Princess Fuse showed them the string of eight crystal beads she had received from the old prophet. Her parents were surprised to see that they no longer bore the Chinese characters for benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, loyalty, faith, filial piety, and fellowship. The beads now bore eight other Chinese characters meaning "to be inspired to pursue Buddhism under a beast's guidance."
"The original characters were replaced by these new ones around the time of Kagetsura's death," said Princess Fuse. "I assume that Yatsufusa has yearned for me since then."
Now Yoshizane could not help but think that his daughter was predestined to live with Yatsufusa. He tried hard to persuade Isarago to accept their child's fate.
Princess Fuse prepared to leave. She wore several layers of white wadded silk garments as well as the string of beads around her neck. She decided to take nothing but a dagger, writing paper, and part of a copy of the Lotus Sutra.
Bidding farewell to her parents, Princess Fuse went out to the veranda, where Yatsufusa seemed to be waiting for her. Standing on the veranda, she resolutely declared, "In compliance with my father's promise, I am leaving with you. But I'm determined to draw a sharp line between people and beasts. If you try to satisfy your lust, oblivious to the fact that you are a beast, I will kill you and then myself with the dagger. I'll follow wherever you may go, provided you restrain your desire and are content to stay with me. Mind my words."
As she finished talking, the dog raised his head. Looking at her, he barked long as if vowing obedience to her. She descended from the veranda, put on her sandals, and said, "Let's go." Yatsufusa led her out of the castle grounds. Then he had her mount him and began to run at full speed toward Mt. To, which was shrouded by deep fog.
Here let me mention what became of Kanamari Takanori and his attendants, who were attacked by Kagetsura's troops before they could reach Takida Castle. Only Takanori survived the fight. Learning that both Takida and Tojo castles were besieged by Kagetsura's troops, Takanori hurried to Kamakura in order to ask Ashikaga Nariuji to send reinforcements to Yoshizane. But Nariuji was skeptical because Takanori did not have a letter from Yoshizane. Dejected, Takanori returned to Awa. By that time, however, Kagetsura had been killed and Yoshizane controlled Awa Province. Takanori was delighted. But he was too ashamed of having been tricked by Kagetsura to present himself to Yoshizane. Thoughts of committing seppuku even crossed his mind. However, he abandoned the idea and decided to wait for a good chance to return to Takida Castle. He went to live with a relative in Kazusa.
Takanori learned that Princess Fuse had gone deep into the mountains. He was surprised to learn that she was obliged to live with Yatsufusa. Takanori wondered if some supernatural power possessed Yatsufusa. Even so, Takanori thought, it would not be beyond him to kill the dog. He decided to kill Yatsufusa and return Princess Fuse to Takida Castle. Afterward he would tender an apology to Yoshizane. Before long Takanori left for Mt. To.
Takanori wandered about Mt. To for five or six days. As he was walking along a mountain trail in search of Princess Fuse, he faintly heard a woman's voice chanting a sutra from beyond a stream covered in mist.

[The East, Vol. XXX No. 1 May/June 1994] 6. Princess Fuse Meets a Child Prodigy home